Friday 17 February 2017

Humiliation Hog Hotline

Since piggy first advertised his phone number on the blog he's been getting less and lees phone calls over time, so he's decided to create the Humiliation Hog Hotline aimed at girls who are interested in being bossy and more dominant in their everyday lives.

Piggy will be sitting by the phone ready to take all of the insults and verbal abuse that girls can throw at him. Please do not feel sorry for this pathetic creature as it's the abuse and name calling that makes him truly happy. Go on give the humiliation hog hotline a ring and dish out some verbal punishment to the filthy fat humiliation hog. If you fail to get through to piggy please leave an abusive answerphone message or text him on whatsapp.

If you want, you can also share any of the images from piggy's blog on other social networking sites in an effort to expose and humiliate the piggy further.