Tuesday 11 December 2018

Viewing This Piggy Blog

This piggy blog has been up and running since 2012 and you may have noticed that although it’s not exactly mainstream viewing it has received quite a number of hits over the years. What people don’t always realise is that this particular piggy blog isn’t just one continuous page where everything is included. There is a limit to how many posts can fit on one page so once you have scrolled all the way down to the bottom of this page, you can then click on the link to view the older posts.

Blogs are structured to show the most recent posts first, but sometimes it helps to view everything in the order it was created especially if you want to understand everything about the development of piggy. Therefore this blog may be better viewed in reverse order starting with those older posts especially if you are interested to know what piggy’s limits are, as that was one of the first postings in 2012. Obviously, it’s entirely up to you how you view this blog and piggy can only hope that you get plenty of enjoyment and entertainment from it, at his expense of course.

Piggy Upgrades

Even A pathetic piggy bitch needs to move with the times and stay fairly up to date with technology. Quite a few apps won’t work on older devices so piggy needs to make sure he’s still contactable by those wishing to use and abuse him. Therefore over the last few months piggy has upgraded his original iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 5 and his old iPad 2 has been replaced with a newer iPad Air 2. This means that piggy is more available to suit the ever growing needs of his audience. Piggy has even upgraded his Phone contract so he is no longer on Pay as you go which means now he can respond to all of your texts and voicemails even when he’s out and about in public. It also means that you can stay in touch with Piggy, if you are meeting him somewhere, or if he is travelling to you to get an afternoon or evening of ritual abuse and humiliation.